
12 Best Features of a Restaurant POS Software

Features offered by Kravy Billing Software: Accurate Online Payments, Enhanced Inventory and Table Management, Customer Insight, and Business Reports.

12 Best Features of a Restaurant POS System

In the rapidly growing restaurant industry, it is important to stay ahead of the competition by using technology. One such product of technology is the restaurant POS (Point-of-Sale) software which plays a major role in scaling one's restaurant’s profitability. It helps to manage orders, customer data, integration with online ordering platforms, and inventory and provides reports for future growth. It is important to choose the right POS system based on its features and pricing. So, consider the restaurant POS system features before using it for your business operations.

Best Features of a Restaurant POS System

Restaurants are expanding their business and sales using a POS system because of its various features and technological advantages. An efficient POS system ensures smooth and rapid running of operations, staff management, and order reminders along with providing customer satisfaction. So, using POS software for restaurants is the best investment in the latest times. Here are the top twelve must-have features for your restaurant POS software.

Features of Restaurant POS System

1.    Better Menu Management:

A good POS system effectively improves your menu management by enabling you to schedule, organize, automate, and add menu items seamlessly. It helps to edit the item availability, prices, and various aspects of it. Customizing the restaurant menu as per the want is essential for growing the restaurant’s sales and providing a user-friendly experience to the customers.

2.    Enhanced Inventory Management:

Manual stocking and monitoring of inventory causes a lot of issues while running a restaurant business. Hence, POS software allows you to perform seamless inventory management by real-time ingredient tracking, product requirements, and supplies. It ensures quality control of the inventory items, performs stock audits of raw materials, and reduces the risk of wastage.

3.    Seamless Payments Processing:

A restaurant POS system must provide seamless processing of payments. It should be able to process online payments, payments through debit and credit cards, and must ensure refunds are done easily. With such an enhanced payment processing mechanism, restaurants can easily monitor their sales, ensure customer satisfaction, and reduce errors in transactions.

4.    Detailed Business Reports and Analytics:

Using manually managed restaurant data is a cumbersome task, and it provides less efficiency towards business development. An efficient POS system allows you to customize, manage, and study your real-time customer data for better insights. This precise data and its analytics will help you to make easy decisions to grow your profits and scale your business.

5.    Online Order Management:

Managing restaurant orders online saves a lot of time and a good POS software for restaurants ensures it. It provides features like automatic item toggling, rapid order placement, handling orders from food delivery apps, and many other tasks. It is a must-have feature for POS software to provide restaurants with increased sales and customer satisfaction.

6.    Kitchen Display System:

A KDS (Kitchen Display System) plays a vital role in managing orders, by reducing the time required to prepare them. It helps the kitchen staff by displaying real-time orders. Also, it tracks the status of orders, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in kitchen operations.

7.    Effective Staff Management:

Staff management is essential while running a restaurant as it enables you to complete tasks seamlessly. A good restaurant POS system must have a staff management feature. This ensures tracking the employee hours, and their performance and generates reports about their work. A well-managed staff improves customer engagement and increases their trust in the restaurant.

8.    Smooth Table Management:

When many customers visit the restaurant, the most important thing is to take care of their table. So, a good POS helps in such times to check for table availability, order placement, and customizable billing options. This reduces waiting time for customers and ensures customers are seated at available tables.

9.    Loyalty and CRM:

All the best restaurants offer amazing discounts and offers to their customers, and this is possible with great POS software. Customized offers, happy hours, loyalty points, and feedback collection are some basic marketing tasks that bring more customers to your restaurant and ensure healthy growth.

10.    Mobile Integration:

Integration with mobiles allows customers to place and track orders from their phones. It also offers options for online payment and customer feedback. A capable restaurant POS software integrated with mobile phones allows you to manage all your orders from a central system.

11.    Accounting and GST Management:

POS software generates bills and invoices by automatically calculating the GST based on the product type. Thus, it reduces the risk of miscalculations in bills and accounting data. For multiple outlets, it tracks the orders in real-time and provides accurate sales and billing data, streamlining financial reports. This also helps to create a budget for restaurant operations and manage expenses.

12.    Efficient Franchise and Outlets Management:

If you have multiple outlets then a well-designed POS software for restaurants helps you to control each outlet from a centralized location. It provides features like offers management, accounting, business reports from all outlets, and inter-outlet inventory management. So, considering a POS system for your franchise will provide you with proper control over your business.

So, these are the most essential restaurant POS system features that one must consider before choosing a POS system. It will not only improve your business but also keep your customers happy.


So, all these features make it important to use POS software for your restaurant operations. Based on your restaurant, you can consider factors like your budget, type of restaurant, and size before choosing a POS for your business. It’s the need of the hour to use POS software to improve your business in the restaurant space.

One such highly efficient POS system is Kravy. It is a user-friendly and affordable software that will help you to expand your restaurant business without any hassle. Kravy provides features like revenue monitoring for maximum profitability, customer insights for personalized service, business data visualization for better insights, and various other features. Do check out the software and increase your restaurant business sales in very less time.

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