
A 6-Step Guide to Register Your Restaurant on Zomato

Steps to Register Your Restaurant on Zomato: Create Zomato Account, Add Restaurant Details, Complete the Verification, Add Photos, Grow your Business.

A 6-Step Guide to Register Your Restaurant on Zomato
Zomato is one of the best food ordering and restaurant discovery platforms operating worldwide. It has more than 1.5 million restaurants registered on the platform, helping them to scale their business. This revolutionary product helps restaurants to improve their visibility, attract more customers, increase their sales, and expand the restaurant business.

So, having one’s restaurant registered on Zomato is the cherry on the cake in the current times. As it not only improves the sales but improves the branding of your business too. Also, recently Zomato has started integration of restaurant POS systems on their platform. This allows you to integrate the best POS system for restaurants and the best food ordering platform.

So, if you are yet to register your restaurant on Zomato then follow this easy six-step guide and start your journey to create a massive brand.

What are the Documents Required for Zomato Registration?

Before starting the registration process it is necessary to have the essential documents ready. So, keep the following documents handy while starting the registration process.

  1. PAN card copy
  2. FSSAI license copy
  3. Bank account details
  4. Regular GSTIN (if applicable)
  5. Your restaurant menu
  6. Dish images of the top 5 items.

You are good to go once you have these six major documents available to you.

Six Easy Steps to Register Your Restaurant on Zomato

Now, follow the six simple steps to register your restaurant on Zomato and avail the awesome benefits to grow your restaurant business.

Step 1: Create a Zomato Account

The first step is to create an account on the Zomato platform. This can be easily done by visiting the Zomato website or downloading their application from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. While creating the account you will require your mobile number or e-mail ID. Once the account is created, you can proceed further to complete the registration process.

Step 2: Add the Restaurant Details

After the account creation is done, you should add your restaurant details by filling out a simple registration form. It includes some basic details like the name of your restaurant, location, opening hours, contact details, and the type of cuisine served. It is very important to provide accurate and complete information while filling out the registration form to avoid further miscommunication.

Step 3: Complete the Verification Process

Once the registration form is submitted, the platform will share a verification code on your registered mobile number or e-mail ID. Enter the code to complete the verification of your restaurant details and then activate your account. Verification is important as it ensures the authenticity and reliability of the restaurant. Now, you will be able to manage your restaurant’s profile on Zomato.

Step 4: Add Photos of Your Menu Items and Dining Space

After the verification is completed, you are supposed to add images of your menu items and dining area. It is an important step as it allows customers to view your menu items online and order them. So, you must make sure to upload high-quality images that display your restaurant’s ambience and food. Displaying eye-catching photos will eventually attract more customers.

 Step 5: Verification from Zomato

Once the registration form is submitted and the menu items are listed on the platform, a representative from Zomato will get in touch with you. If all the important requirements are met and verified properly, your restaurant will go live within a week. Also, the Zomato team will assign a Point of Contact person in case of any issues. It will help you to understand the platform without any hassle.

Step 6: Manage the Restaurant’s Profile

When the entire process is completed, it is essential to manage the profile regularly. You must keep updating the restaurant profile regularly for better customer engagement. You can also work on adding new menu items, high-quality photos, and responses to customer feedback and reviews. Also, it is essential to promote the restaurant’s offers and events on the platform for improved visibility.

So, these were the six easy steps to register your restaurant on Zomato for better visibility and improved customer engagement. Make sure to use Zomato if you haven’t already started using it.

Why is it Important to Register the Restaurant on Zomato?

Registering the restaurant on Zomato offers multiple benefits. In recent times, it is necessary to use technology for one’s restaurant growth and Zomato acts as one of the best platforms to increase your brand value. It offers various benefits like increased visibility, better customer engagement, online food ordering and delivery, precise analytics, and reviews from customers.

All these benefits help your restaurant business to work efficiently and regularly focusing on increasing profitability and scalability. Also, using restaurant management software in addition to Zomato will enhance your business to a greater extent. Restaurant POS systems are built to improve your restaurant operations and focus on improving its growth using technology.


So, make sure to register your restaurant on Zomato and optimize your Zomato profile for better results. As Zomato is used by thousands of restaurants it is necessary to maintain one’s presence on the platform properly to rank better. You can do this by keeping your profile attractive, engaging with customers through feedback and reviews, providing good offers, and analyzing the reports. All these necessary aspects will enable you to expand your business and boost your revenues.

Also, don’t forget to use good restaurant management software like Kravy for all your restaurant-related operations like staff management, order management, billing, etc. Using restaurant POS systems along with a food ordering platform like Zomato will grow your business extensively with very little investment. Kravy is the best POS software that offers multiple benefits for your restaurant at affordable prices. It also helps you to integrate your Zomato account without any hassle for better results.

So, what are you waiting for? Visit the Kravy website for more information, and book a call with our experts to start your restaurant expansion journey today!

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