
Best Tips for Choosing the Perfect Cutlery for Your Restaurant

Enhance the Customer Experience at your Restaurant with the Best Cutlery. Choose the Cutlery Considering Your Restaurant Theme, Aesthetics, and Style.

Best Tips to Choose the Perfect Restaurant Cutlery

The best way to reach your guests’ hearts at your restaurant is by serving them the best food along with the best cutlery. Your table must have the right spoons, knives, and forks, as per your menu. However, finding the right cutlery can be difficult. So, here are the best tips that will enable you to choose the right material, style, and equipment for your restaurant. Give this amazing blog a quick read, and resolve your restaurant cutlery issues in the best possible manner.

5 Best Tips to Elevate the Dining Experience with the Perfect Restaurant Cutlery

The right set of cutlery not only enhances the vibe of your restaurant but also enhances the customer experience. Also, it adds up to your restaurant décor, thus making things aesthetic at your place. However, you must choose the right cutlery as per your business needs. Here are the best five tips that will help you choose the perfect cutlery for er your restaurant menu:

1. Understand the Different Types of Cutlery:

Before purchasing the cutlery, you must know about its various types as needed for your restaurant menu. Here’s the most common cutlery needed for your restaurant:

  1. Butter Knife: A butter knife is a small, blunt knife designed specifically to spread butter, jam, or other spreads.
  2. Table Knife: A good table knife is a little sharp and is suitable for cutting different foods. It has serrated edges for a better experience.
  3. Dinner Fork: The dinner fork is larger than a salad fork, and is used as a multipurpose fork to savour several main dishes.
  4. Salad Fork: It is a simple and smaller fork compared to the diner fork. It is used specifically to eat salads and appetisers.
  5. Dessert Spoon/Fork: The dessert spoon is bigger than a teaspoon, whereas the dessert fork is the same as the salad fork. These utensils are used for dessert courses.
  6. Soup Spoon: The soup spoon is round, and is larger than a teaspoon. It is best for having soups and broths.
  7. Teaspoon/Coffee Spoon: A teaspoon or coffee spoon is used to stir hot beverages and eat soft desserts like yoghurt and puddings.

All these cutleries help you enhance the customer experience at your restaurant. Hence, allowing your customers to savour different delicacies elegantly.

2. Choose the Right Cutlery Material:

The right restaurant cutlery material is essential, and it adds up to your restaurant décor. The following are the most commonly used cutlery materials:

  1. Sterling Silver: If you operate a fine-dine restaurant, then sterling silver cutlery is the best for you. It is the epitome of luxury and is the best for your restaurant business. It requires regular polishing to maintain its shine and is expensive.
  2. Silver-Plated: Silver-plated restaurant requires more maintenance and is less durable than stainless steel. It is best for fine-dine restaurants as it provides an elegant look.
  3. Stainless Steel: The best choice of material is the stainless steel cutlery. It is Corrosion-resistant, durable, less expensive, and easy to maintain. It offers a high shine and is best for all restaurants.
  4. Bamboo-Wood: A sustainable option for your cutlery is bamboo or wood. It is aesthetically pleasing; however, it is not durable and must be taken care of properly.
  5. Plastic: Fast-food restaurants or QSRs often use plastic cutlery as it is disposable and affordable. However, it lacks the luxurious finish and elegance of metallic cutlery.

As per your restaurant business needs you can choose any of the above-mentioned cutlery materials, to elevate your customer experience.

3. Match Cutlery with Your Restaurant Theme:

Your cutlery must align with your restaurant décor. It improves the dining experience and matches your restaurant theme. Consider these ideas to match the cutlery with your restaurant type:

  1. Fast Food: For fast-food restaurants and takeouts, disposable plastic or wooden cutlery is fine. It is convenient to use and is cost-effective.
  2. Cafes: For cafes and bistros having a practical and lightweight cutlery is important. It could be of stainless steel or wooden, with a modern and minimalistic design.
  3. Casual Dining: Casual Dining restaurants must use stainless steel cutleries. It is stylish, and elegant, and adds up to your restaurant décor and aesthetics. It must be easier to use, simple, and versatile enough to use for various dishes.
  4. Fine Dining: A luxurious restaurant must have stainless-steel, sterling silver, or silver-plated cutlery. It must be elegant and must go along with your restaurant aesthetics. You can also add customer engravings or detailing to make the cutlery more sophisticated.
  5. Ethnic Restaurants: For ethnic restaurants, you must focus on the type of food you serve. If you operate a Japanese restaurant, then have chopsticks along with a fork and spoon.

Hence, as per your business select the restaurant cutlery to enhance the beauty of your restaurant. Also, consider your restaurant menu and make additional changes if necessary.

4. Focus on Maintainance and Durability:

Considering the cutlery maintenance and durability are very important to make things easier. Here are some tips to help you last your cutlery longer:

  1. Easy Maintainance: For easier maintenance. Choose stainless steel cutlery which is easier to maintain and dishwasher friendly. If you choose high-quality silver equipment then be ready to take intensive care of it, such that it lasts longer.
  2. Purchase in Bulk: purchasing cutlery in bulk will help you save cost, and use that money for some other task. Consider the buying quantity as per the crowd at your restaurant.
  3. High-quality Stainless Steel: Choose the best quality stainless steel i.e. 18/20 to prevent corrosion. Also, it maintains its shine for a longer time allowing frequent use.
  4. Consider the Cutlery Weight: The weight of your cutlery is important as it tends to provide a premium feel and is durable over time. It helps you enhance the dining and customer experience.

All these tips will help you choose the right restaurant cutlery. Thus, helping you grow your restaurant business in the best manner and serve good food to your customers.

5. Style and Aesthetics of the Cutlery:

To enhance the dining experience, you must focus on the right style and aesthetics of the cutlery. Follow these tips, as they will help you compliment the cutlery as per your restaurant décor:

  1. Versatility: Choose cutlery that can be used with multiple dishes, as it will reduce the need for different cutlery. Also, it makes the dining experience easier for the customers.
  2. Design Consistency: Make sure the cutlery design matches your tableware and the overall theme of the restaurant. Align it with your restaurant theme, to make it look better.
  3. Usability and Comfort: The cutlery must be comfortable to use along with a good appearance. It must have a great grip, balance, and sharp edges if necessary.

These tips will enhance the functionality of the cutlery and add to the aesthetic of your restaurant. So, make the right choice and add to the style of your restaurant.

All these tips will enhance the customer experience for your restaurant, enable you to choose the right cutlery, and help you to purchase durable and long-lasting equipment. A good restaurant POS system will enable you to scale your business, but the right cutlery will make your restaurant look better.


So, choose the right cutlery, and spend the right amount on various spoons, forks, and knives. Make sure to provide the best customer experience to your guests. Consider factors like your restaurant’s theme, aesthetics, type, comfort, and style while choosing the cutlery. The right cutlery will elevate your restaurant massively, and help you become a great restaurant brand.

To know more about such amazing restaurant growth hacks, follow the best restaurant POS system – Kravy. It is the most efficient restaurant POS system that will enable you to improve profitability, revenues, and sales for your restaurant business.

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