
How to Set up the Kravy POS System for Your Restaurant?

Steps to Set up Kravy POS System for Your Restaurant: Login or Register, Dashboard, Menu Management, Customer Management, Table Booking, and Discounts
How to Set up the Kravy POS System?

In the rapidly increasing restaurant industry, growing one’s business using the latest tools and technology is essential. A good restaurant POS software is one such tool that provides awesome features which enhance your business profitability. A good POS system provides features like staff management, order management, secure payment processing, data analysis, and many more.

The features provided by POS software offer improved customer retention, higher sales, easier staff management, and many such useful benefits. However, with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) the POS billing system for restaurants can offer improved features. Kravy is one such billing software that uses AI in its tools. It benefits the restaurants to analyse real-time data and bulk upload products easily.

Why is Kravy Useful for Your Restaurant?

Kravy offers the best features at the best prices and is appreciated by its users constantly making it the best restaurant management software. In the rising competition, it is necessary to monitor one’s performance regularly and Kravy offers amazing tools for this purpose. However, one must get to know the overall usage of the software properly. The following discussed step-wise points will help you to get a broader look at the software’s working.

6 Steps to Set up the Kravy Restaurant POS System:

Some POS software are very complex to use and have a basic user interface. However, Kravy offers a very easy-to-understand user interface. It can be operated by your restaurant staff members without any issues. Also, to set up your Kravy account, you just need to follow these six easy steps. These steps will enable you to use the software easily and improve your restaurant business.

1.    Login or Register:

The very first step is to register or log in with your restaurant account. If you already have a Kravy account then you can enter your username and password to continue using the software. However, if you are new to the platform, then you need to create a new account by registering on the platform. It requires some basic details like your email, name, restaurant name, etc. Once your account is created, you can use Kravy for your daily restaurant business activities. After signing up you will be able to access features like the dashboard, orders, menu, customer management, etc.

Login or Register

2.    The Dashboard:

After opening your restaurant’s account, the dashboard will be the first thing you will see on your screen. The dashboard contains all the essential information needed for your everyday tasks. It will provide you with the total sales, recent orders, and a detailed analysis of the past seven days. Not only this, but it will also provide you with data for your entire month or year just by clicking a few buttons. Additionally, the restaurant billing software actively monitors your sales, and provides real-time data on the dashboard, for easy sales analysis and taking future actions as per the needs.

The Dashboard

3.    Menu Management:

The menu option allows you to bulk upload the menu item using AI. This helps you to save a lot of time and effort to input your menu items in the software. Also, it reduces the chances of errors which can be caused by manual operations. You just need to select the menu image and upload it to the restaurant POS software. The system will automatically scan the items, their prices, and essential details and you’ll be ready to use the menu online. If you wish to bulk upload the menu using an Excel sheet, you are free to do that as well. Once your menu is uploaded, you can use it to take orders from your customers.

Menu Management

4.    Customer Management:

After the menu is uploaded, you are good to use the restaurant POS system for your everyday activities. The first thing is to manage the customers, and this becomes very essential during peak hours. You can add customers manually when they visit your restaurant. And, you can also enter the automatically created customer information if they have already visited the restaurant through the order page. This helps you to monitor your customer retention rate. This feature is helpful in peak hours as it saves a lot of time, and ensures that customers are happy with the restaurant management and the services.

kravy customer management

5.    Table Booking:

Booking the right table for your customers and managing tables is an important task while running a restaurant. The Kravy restaurant management software provides a highly efficient table booking system that enables you to place orders, generate KOT (Kitchen Order Ticket), and complete the entire order until the table is vacant. It allows you to check the booked tables regularly and provides the order summary to change the order status. And, lastly, generate an invoice once the order is complete. Hence, it acts as a one-stop solution for the entire table booking process enabling seamless operations.

Table Booking

6.    Addition of Taxes and Discounts:

Once the entire order is complete and customers have completed their meal. It is necessary to provide them with the right bill with proper discounts. So, this step ensures that the customers get the right bill with the necessary taxes and discounts, if any. This ensures that accurate billing is done, and customers should return home with satisfaction. Errors in billing can ruin customers' moods and can affect the retention rate. So, it is very necessary to complete the billing properly and Kravy provides the best feature for this purpose. Explore the features on your own, and experience the results.

Addition of Taxes and Discounts
These are the six major steps that will help you to set up your Kravy account. Constant updates will be provided if changes are introduced in the system. So, stay tuned and use Kravy for better results in your restaurant business. It is the best POS billing system for restaurants so avail the benefits soon, and see the amazing results in your profits and operations.


Using the Kravy restaurant POS software will help you get the best benefits for your business. It will improve your customer retention rate, manage the staff effectively, and help you to analyze the business precisely. Try using the free trial version and explore the features. Using AI-powered tools at such great prices is a cherry on the cake, as it improves your performance immensely compared to your peers.

So, don’t waste your time, and create your Kravy account today itself. Use the best restaurant POS system and see the changes in your business performance. Visit the Kravy website, check out the various features and plans, and contact us for further information. Don’t miss the opportunity to be the best restaurant in the city with Kravy, and keep adding spice to your business!

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