
Explore the Top 10 Online Food Delivery Apps in India for 2025

Explore the Top 10 Food Delivery Platforms in India. Satisfy Your Cravings by Ordering Food Online, Avail Amazing Discounts, and Try Different Dishes.

Best Food Delivery Platforms in India

People love their food, and on a lazy day having food ordered online is the best option. Also, for a restaurant business, it is very profitable in today’s times to grow its brand presence online by leveraging the best food delivery apps in India. It helps them to grow their brand, cater to a wider audience, and scale their business significantly. Kravy has curated the top ten food delivery apps in India that will enable restaurants to grow their businesses and allow people to have piping hot delicacies as soon as they click the ‘order’ button!

Top 10 Best Food Delivery Apps in India

Every restaurant business owner wants to improve his business visibility through online food deliveries. For this purpose integrating your restaurant POS system with a robust online food delivery app is quite essential. So, to choose the best online food delivery app for your restaurant, here are the top 10 amazing food delivery platforms in India. Give it a read and grow your restaurant brand through online sales!

1. Zomato:

The top-ranked food delivery app platform in  India is Zomato. It acquired Uber Eats Indian operations to become a giant in the food delivery industry, delivering food across the country. It not only provides food delivery services but also helps restaurants improve their user reviews, menus, and brands. Also, it acts as a restaurant aggregator in India and allows integration with POS system for business ease.

2. Swiggy:

Swiggy is one of the best food delivery apps in India, because of their rapid delivery services. Now, they have also entered into the grocery delivery market. It is best known for delivering piping hot food, and live order tracking feature. Swiggy is available in many cities in the country and operates seamlessly to deliver food, promote restaurants, and help businesses improve their online brand presence.

3. Magicpin:

The third largest online food delivery app in Magicpin, and it is improving its presence in several cities. Their top-selling feature is the coupons, offers, and discounts that they provide to the customers. Hence, people prefer Magicpin for amazing discounts, thus saving a lot of money. Its unique strategy helped Magicpin to become a great player not only in food delivery but also in the online shopping industry.

4. Dunzo:

Dunzo is famous for its rapid delivery services, as it delivers food, groceries, and pet supplies in less than 45 minutes. It doesn’t have any location constraints in the city, which acts as its unique selling point. It is a rapidly growing food delivery platform in India, expanding in several cities. Their services are active 24/7, hence user can order anytime from anywhere in their city without any discomfort.

5. EatSure:

With its unique strategy, EatSure allows Indians to order food online at a very cheap rate. EatSure ensures proper hygiene and maximum customer satisfaction through their food delivery services. It is the best online food delivery app if your purpose is to grow your restaurant’s brand value significantly. It has a very user-friendly interface which allows customers to order food easily within a few seconds.

6. Faasos:

As of 2025, Faasos operates in 34 major cities in India. It is growing its business through its website and mobile application. It is a good food delivery platform as its interface is easy to handle, and also the offers are quite appealing. Their premium version allows you to get food delivery in less than thirty minutes. And, if the food is not delivered under thirty minutes, you get to keep it free of cost.

7. Eat Fit:

EatFit is the best online food delivery app when it comes to tracking your meal’s nutrition content. It allows you to order healthy food based on your diet, thus displaying the macros and other essential facts about the food you order. It is the best online food delivery app for gym freaks and health-conscious people. Also, it allows you to customize the food and provides nutritional education on its platform.

8. Domino’s:

The best pizza delivery app in India is Domino’s. It delivers the pizza in less than 30 minutes or else you can keep it for free. Their mouth-watering cheesy pizzas are the main attraction, and their services are rapid. They even deliver pizzas on trains in India, which is a great feature. So, if you wish to savour pizza sitting in your dining room on a cosy day then Domino’s online delivery app is the place to go.

9. Burger King:

Burger King India also provides online food delivery options in India and is one of the best food delivery apps in India focusing on burgers. Burger King is known for its peppery and tasty burgers and other side dishes. It offers several varieties of Burgers and provides good offers and discounts through its customer loyalty program. If you are craving burgers, then Burger King is the best for you.

10. KFC:

The KFC India online ordering app enables you to have the unique taste of their crispy fried chicken sitting in your home. It is available in a few cities in India; however, their food delivery services are exceptional, and people love their chicken for its taste and crispiness. Their app has more than 1Cr+ downloads on the Play Store, showing the love for KFC in India because of their hygiene and quality.

So, these were the top 10 best online food delivery apps in India. So, if you wish to order food online at your home then you can choose any of the above-mentioned apps at your convenience. Also, restaurant owners must integrate these apps with their businesses to grow their business further and build a strong presence on the Internet.


So, don’t waste your time and order the best dishes online from your favourite restaurant. Also, if you run a restaurant, then integrating the food delivery app with your POS system is the best choice to manage your business operations efficiently. Kravy is the best POS software for this purpose, it not only allows you to integrate with third-party apps, but also helps you automate operations, manage daily tasks, and offers a ton of useful features.

To know more about Kravy, visit the website, book a call, and partner up to take your restaurant business to a newer height!

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