
Everything You Need to Know About Swiggy Restaurant Registration

Know about Swiggy Restaurant Registration. Learn about Required Documents, Steps Involved, and the Advantages Offered by the Swiggy Delivery Platform.

Everything You Need to Know About Swiggy Restaurant Registration

Food deliveries are helping restaurants to earn more than 30% of their business revenue. And, one of the best food delivery platforms is Swiggy, which can evolve your restaurant performance by providing the best features. Not only food delivery but Swiggy also provides features like customer feedback, and marketing, and promotes your business to a larger customer base.

Also, integrating Swiggy with a good POS System can streamline your business in the right direction. So, registering your restaurant on Swiggy and using good restaurant POS software is essential to beat the tough competition. Here are a few major aspects to consider while registering your restaurant on Swiggy without any trouble to boost your restaurant brand.

Documents Required to Complete Your Swiggy Restaurant Registration

While registering on Swiggy you need a few documents ready showcasing the authenticity of your restaurant. It is important as this ensures that no issues are created in future regarding the business. So, you must ensure that the following documents are available to you:

  • PAN Card
  • Bank Account Details
  • GST Registration Certificate
  • Menu Details
  • FSSAI License
  • Owner’s ID Proof
  • A Cancelled Cheque

So, these are the major documents that must be kept ready before registering your restaurant on Swiggy.

Five Easy Steps to Register Your Restaurant on Swiggy

Registering your restaurant on Swiggy is quite an easy task. It can be completed in five hassle-free steps. So, follow the below-mentioned steps to register your restaurant without any hassle:

Step 1: Create an Account on Swiggy

Firstly, you must visit Swiggy to apply to add your restaurant or partner with them. After opening the form you must provide all the necessary information like the restaurant name, owner details, restaurant POC designation, city, etc. Then you can proceed further by clicking on “Proceed”.

Step 2: Submit the Necessary Documents:

Once the form is submitted, the next step is to add the restaurant name and business details on the Swiggy website. During this process, the necessary documents like the FSSAI certificate and GST certificate must be submitted with the correct information, and then the KYC is completed.

Step 3: Documents Verification:

After the documents are submitted, you must complete the verification process too. It includes submitting an image of a cancelled cheque, a copy of your menu, and a takeout bill. This completes your verification process, and you can now head towards the next step.

Step 4: Partnership Agreement Confirmation

Upon submitting the documents successfully, a representative from Swiggy will visit your restaurant to verify the information and sign the partnership agreement. Once this process is completed successfully, you will receive an acknowledgement message on your registered email ID or phone number.

Step 5: Commission Payment

Once your account is activated, you need to pay a commission to Swiggy regularly based on your sales and their terms and conditions. Usually, the commission is based on the restaurant location and the number of additional services provided by Swiggy to your restaurant.

So, these were the five easy steps to start your journey on Swiggy and improve the sales performance of your restaurant business.

Advantages of Adding Your Restaurant on Swiggy

Swiggy offers several benefits once you partner with them to grow your business. It is the best platform to improve your customer base, sales, and brand presence. The following are some of the key benefits that will enhance your restaurant’s presence by using Swiggy:

1.    Wider Customer Base and Increased Visibility:

Using Swiggy enables you to increase your online presence and reach more customers. And, if you serve good food to such customers, it will eventually improve your customer retention. Thus, enhancing your brand and its visibility. So, make sure to make efforts regarding serving hygienic food, and uploading good images on Swiggy for better reach to improve your customer base.

2.    Hassle-free Food Delivery:

Food delivery can cost you a lot, but Swiggy makes this task easier and saves a lot of money for your business. It also saves a lot of time and effort, thus helping you to manage more orders in less time. Swiggy makes sure that your orders reach the customers on time, thus, maintaining your restaurant’s integrity. This keeps your customers happy and improves engagement rates.

3.    Expense Reduction in Operations:

As the food delivery is managed by Swiggy, your operational expenses are reduced drastically. It also takes care of advertising, marketing, and other overheads which require huge investments. Also, you get access to huge customers without putting in a lot of effort. So, if you use this platform effectively, it will boost your restaurant business and improve your profitability.

4.    Feedback Regarding Business:

Getting honest feedback from your customers helps you to change your way of working as per the business needs. Also, to beat the cut-throat competition it is necessary to evaluate the business performance regularly. Swiggy is an outstanding platform where customers can rate and review your restaurant and provide their feedback so that you can take action accordingly.

These are a few very fabulous benefits offered by Swiggy to boost your business profitability and improve your customer retention. Also, it provides several other benefits like improvement in the quality of service, marketing, regular insights, and providing customer preferences. So, looking at all these benefits it becomes necessary to complete your Swiggy restaurant registration to beat the competition.


Registering your restaurant on Swiggy provides great opportunities for you. So, don’t waste your time and reach new customers, improve your online presence, and grow your profits with Swiggy. Also, if you integrate Swiggy with a good POS system it will help you to manage your restaurant operations and inventory very well with improved performance.

Kravy is one such restaurant POS software that will help you manage your restaurant, analyse sales, and take action accordingly. Integrating Kravy with Swiggy will take your restaurant to another level, and boost your revenue significantly. So, contact us, and explore the benefits of using the best restaurant POS system to enhance your business performance and scalability.

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